Sharing messages of healing, one reading at a time

When did you know you were a psychic medium?

You would think seeing spirits at night for most of my life would have been my first indication that I was a Medium.  It wasn’t.  I figured since the spirits weren’t speaking to me that it was just something I could see and that was that.  Several years ago, I decided to put my intuitive abilities to work and decided I wanted to be an Animal Communicator.  Every time I did an animal reading a spirit would pop up and take over the show.  Being a rule follower, I wanted to know the universal rules and ethics around giving readings to make sure I was protecting myself and my clients, so I enrolled in classes at the Lotus Lantern Healing Arts.  It was there that I learned all the dos and don’ts of giving a reading and my world expanded immensely.

  • There is something about Kristi that lets the light in. And I mean extraordinarily. Maybe she’s made of it. Maybe she just opens the world – all of it, the boundless, timeless reality of it – and allows us to feel it and become a part of it, the way we’re meant to be. When I was young I believed in all the magic. The invisible. The potent and powerful. Then cynicism crowded in. Trauma and deep loss led me to Kristi. She has given me so many gifts I can’t begin to name them. It’s not just that I believe in what she does. It’s that I know it to be real. And her compassion, her joy, her deep love of life and love of these gifts! I trust her with…everything.

    — Janet C.

Work with Kristi

  • Clearing Energy

    Do you or your house feel funky and not in a good way?

    I can help!

  • Readings for Spirit

    Hear messages of love and healing from those who have passed on.

  • Animal Communication

    Allow me to give your animal companion a voice.

    Spoiler alert… they have things to say!