Kristi Gronmark, Intuitive Medium

Raise your hand if you are someone (like me) who chooses to put back a greeting card if it’s too long!  If you are that person, scroll down for the important bullet points.  If you are someone who likes to read the lengthy greeting cards… please read on!

My name is Kristi Gronmark and I am a Psychic Medium in Portland, Oregon.  Like many intuitive people, I wear many different hats and can read the energy of a multitude of things, including people, spirits, animals, objects and spaces.  If you are reading this bio, chances are you are looking to connect with a passed loved one and are trying to figure out who to choose.  I get it!  It’s a tough choice and no one wants to spend a lot of money to be disappointed.  So let me tell you a little bit about my story and if it speaks to you, maybe you have found the Medium you are looking for. 

You would think seeing spirits at night for most of my life would have been my first indication that I was a Medium.  It wasn’t.  I figured since the spirits weren’t speaking to me that it was just something I could see and that was that.  Several years ago, I decided to put my intuitive abilities to work and decided I wanted to be an Animal Communicator.  Every time I did an animal reading a spirit would pop up and take over the show.  Being a rule follower, I wanted to know the universal rules and ethics around giving readings to make sure I was protecting myself and my clients, so I enrolled in classes at the Lotus Lantern Healing Arts.  It was there that I learned all the dos and don’ts of giving a reading and my world expanded immensely. 

I was taking my final “D” course at Lotus Lantern Healing arts and mentioned to the class that I saw spirits at night and wondered if anyone else had similar experiences.  In that moment, my magical mentor, Liliana Barzola, referred to me as a “powerful psychic medium”.  I had never been called “powerful” a day in my life and was dumbfounded when she called me a “psychic medium” (I bet you’re thinking that was the moment I knew I was a medium… still no!).  Once I finished my courses, I was struggling to figure out what I was “supposed” to be doing with my abilities, so I booked a session with Liliana hoping she could help me.  As I was telling her about my struggles, she paused and said, “You have a strong natural ability to read spirit.  I think reading for spirit is your jam.”  I went quiet for a few seconds, and then started laughing because she was completely right.  It had been staring me in the face the whole time.  I was a Medium and I didn’t even know it!  Once I embraced those words and realized my path, it was like everything became so clear to me AND the spirit world.  All of a sudden I had people at the side of my bed holding objects and waking me up to try and connect with their loved ones.  I went from being annoyed they wouldn’t acknowledge me, to being bombarded with spirits showing me scenes, wearing certain clothes to help me figure out who they were trying to find.  That was it… it was time for me to put my abilities to work as a Medium.

Whether you are booking a 60 minute session or a 15 minute clearing, your sessions are completely confidential. I treat all of my clients with kindness and respect.  I only work in light energy and only deliver messages of love, light and healing.  My number one priority is the well-being of my clients and protecting their energy.  Receiving messages from passed loved ones can feel emotionally draining at times, so I use methods I learned at Lotus Lantern Healing Arts to call that energy back before sending you back out into the world.  I want all of my clients to leave my sessions feeling lighter and brighter.

My sessions include clearing any negative energy from your chakras, along with tools to use in the future to help keep negative energy away.  I believe in empowering my clients with tools that will not only help them in the future, but will help them become more aware of the energy in their body as well as in their home.

My 60 minute sessions include full session notes that are emailed to you once the session is over, so you don’t have to worry about forgetting any important details.  I find the notes help my clients to relax and be more present knowing their precious messages have been written down for them.  Your only job during a session with me is to sit back, relax and receive messages of healing.

I love every minute of what I do and find immense joy in connecting clients with their loved ones.

The Important Bullets!

  • I only work in light energy and deliver healing messages of love and light.

  • I am a rule follower first and foremost.  I studied the rules and ethics of doing readings and honed my abilities at the Lotus Lantern Healing Arts.

  • All of my sessions include an energy clearing along with tools to keep negative energies away. 

  • I believe in empowering my clients with tools that will help them live a happier and brighter life.

  • Spirit readings can be very emotionally draining, so I use methods that protect your energy so that you leave the session feeling light and bright instead of feeling drained.

My session with Kristi started a process of shifting past-grief into present-well-being.
— Marie R.